Annual sports meet of Naval Preschool – Tissa held successfully

The annual sports meet of Navy Seva Vanitha Preschool – Tissa was held on a successful note at the hockey ground of Naval and Maritime Academy on 17th March 2024. The event was graced by Mrs Champika Bandara, executive committee member of Navy Seva Vanitha Unit (NSVU), as the Chief Guest.

Each year, following the guidance of the President of NSVU Mrs Mala Lamahewa, the Navy Seva Vanitha Unit organizes the sports meet in every pre-school under its care, aiming to enhance the sports abilities of the attending children.

The annual sports meet of Naval Preschool – Tissa got underway with the hoisting of National Flag by the Chief Guest of the occasion, Mrs Champika Bandara.

The Commander Eastern Naval Area, Rear Admiral Suresh De Silva, Deputy Area Commander and Commandant Naval and Maritime Academy, Commodore Buddhika Liyanagamage as well as officers and sailors from the Eastern Naval Command were also present on this occasion.