Welisara NSVU Preschool sports meet held on successful note

The President of Navy Seva Vanitha Unit (NSVU), Mrs Mala Lamahewa, as the Chief Guest, graced the NSVU Preschool sports meet of Welisara on 12th March 2024. The event was held at the hockey ground of Welisara Naval Complex on a successful note.

At the directives of the President of NSVU, the annual sports meet is held in each preschool run by NSVU, with the aim of promoting sports skills of their children.

Opening the proceedings of the event, Mrs Mala Lamahewa hoisted the national flag and lit up the Olympic torch. The event was attended by about 108 preschool children.

The sports meet also featured a colourful drill display presented by the preschool children. The President of NSVU also gave away certificates and prizes to the children, appreciative of their participation.

The Vice President of NSVU Mrs Anusha Rathnayake, Commander Western Naval Area Rear Admiral Saman Perera, Naval Officer in Charge Welisara Naval Complex Commodore Prasad Jayasinghe, Commanding Officer SLNS Gemunu Captain Janaka Hettiarachchi, Commanding Officer SLNS Lanka Captain MBNA Pemarathna as well as the Coordinating Officer and staff of NSVU and the parents of preschool children were present on this occasion.