
NSVU donates school supplies

The Commander of the Navy, Vice Admiral Priyantha Perera declared open the 1000th Reverse Osmosis plant at Sri Sumana Maha Vidyalaya in Palukadawala, Galgamuwa on 05th June 2024. In parallel with this event, the President of Navy Seva Vanitha Unit (NSVU), Mrs Mala Lamahewa donated school supplies to the students of the school.

This generous…

NSVU uplifts spirits of dependent war heroes at Anchorage

On the sidelines of Victory Day anniversary which was marked on 18th May, the President of Navy Seva Vanitha Unit (NSVU), Mrs Mala Lamahewa paid a visit to the Anchorage Naval Care Centre in Welisara on 03rd June 2024 and inquired into the wellbeing of dependent naval war heroes in rehabilitation. The naval war veterans also received special gifts presented by NSVU.

NSVU provides meals and dry rations to janitorial staff

In a heartwarming display of community spirit, the Navy Seva Vanitha Unit (NSVU) stepped up to support the essential workforce of janitorial staff at Navy Headquarters Wardroom, SLNS Gemunu Wardroom and Navy General Hospital. Accordingly, the President of NSVU, Mrs Mala Lamahewa with the members of the organization on 21st May 2024 provided lunch and dry rations to 50 members…

NSVU looks into well-being of patients at National Institute of Mental Health, Mulleriyawa

Visiting the National Institute of Mental Health, Mulleriyawa on 13th May 2024, the President of Navy Seva Vanitha Unit (NSVU), Mrs Mala Lamahewa and NSVU members looked into the well-being of patients at ward 07. Ward No. 07 at the National Institute of Mental Health has long been under the care and maintenance of the Sri Lanka Navy Seva Vanita Unit.

NSVU donates wheelchair and 02 tablet computers

As part of its social responsibility initiatives, the Navy Seva Vanitha Unit (NSVU) donated a wheelchair and 02 tablet computers on 02nd May 2024. The donations were made by the President of NSVU, Mrs Mala Lamahewa at the office of NSVU in the Navy Headquarters. The mother of a senior sailor, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences at SLNS Thakshila and a child of a late junior sailor…

NSVU donates cheque for repair of house of late senior sailor

The President of Navy Seva Vanitha Unit, Mrs Mala Lamahewa donated a cheque worth Rs. 34,000.00 to a child of late Petty Officer DMNB Dissanayake at the Seva Vanitha Office in the Navy Headquarters on 18th April 2024. The donation was made for the repair of the roof of the house of the late senior sailor.

The donation of the cheque transpired…

Navy Seva Vanitha New Year Fair opens in Welisara

At the invitation of the President of Navy Seva Vanitha Unit (NSVU), Mrs Mala Lamahewa, the Commander of the Navy, Vice Admiral Priyantha Perera declared open Navy Seva Vanitha New Year Fair at the Welisara Naval Complex today (10th April 2024). NSVU organizes this annual fair for the benefit of naval personnel and their families, aiming to enhance their welfare.

NSVU comes forward to improve facilities of ‘Sahana Sevana’ in Seruwawila

The President of Navy Seva Vanitha Unit (NSVU), Mrs Mala Lamahewa on 26th March 2024 laid the foundation stone for expansion of several sanitary facilities at ‘Sahana Sevana’ Rehabilitation and Vocational Training Centre for Persons with Disabilities in Seruwawila.

Reflecting a commitment to improving the quality of life for individuals with…

NSVU extends helping hand to complete construction of unfinished house

The Navy Seva Vanitha Unit (NSVU) made its funds available to complete the construction of an unfinished house of Leading Engineering Mechanic (CE) RM Bandara. The President of NSVU, Mrs Mala Lamahewa handed over the completed house to the sailor on 27th March 2024.

According to an idea mooted by the President of NSVU, a project to complete…

President of NSVU inspects projects in Eastern Naval Command

The President of Navy Seva Vanitha Unit (NSVU), Mrs Mala Lamahewa on 27th March 2024 visited the Seva Vanitha projects being conducted in the Eastern Naval Command.

Accordingly, the Seva Vanitha Welfare Shop, Abans Showroom, Gift Centre and Yoghurt Project being conducted at SLNS Tissa were inspected by the President of NSVU. Sharing a light…