Navy Seva Vanitha Unit offers essential items to Rathana Sadhaham Meditation Centre, Kithulkote

The annual Katina Pinkama ceremony of Rathana Sadaham Meditation Centre in Kithulkote, Thanamalwila was successfully held with the assistance of Naval Buddhist Association on 18th and 19th November 2023. In parallel with this spiritual event, the President of Navy Seva Vanitha Unit, Mrs. Mala Lamahewa and Commander of the Navy, Vice Admiral Priyantha Perera offered ‘Sesu Pirikara’ and essential items for the use of 45 members of Bhikku and Bhikkuni, at the temple premises on 19th November.

President of Naval Buddhist Association and Director General Engineering, Rear Admiral Ravi Ranasinghe, Commander Southern Naval Area, Rear Admiral Chinthaka Kumarasinghe, Director General Sri Lanka Coast Guard, Rear Admiral Pujitha Vithana, senior officers, their spouses, Senior Supervising Officer, Coordinating Officer, Secretary and the staff of Navy Seva Vanitha Unit and junior and senior sailors from the Southern Naval Command were also present on this occasion.