Navy Seva Vanitha Unit offers Buddha statue to Rathana Sadaham Meditation Center in Kithulkote, Thanamalwila

Offering of a Buddha statue to Rathana Sadaham Meditation Center in Kithulkote, Thanamalwila, for the worship of devotees, was held under the auspices of Commander of the Navy, Vice Admiral Nishantha Ulugetenne and President of Navy Seva Vanitha Unit (NSVU), Mrs Chandima Ulugetenne on 30th October 2022. The meritorious event got under way on the sidelines of annual Katina Pinkama ceremony of Rathana Sadaham Meditation Center.

Following an idea mooted by the President of Navy Seva Vanitha Unit, arrangements were made to offer this Buddha statue which was brought from Kaduwela Mahamevnawa Buddhist Monastery. Subsequent to the all-night Pirith chanting held on 29th October, the spiritual event saw the placement of the Buddha statue at the Rathana Sadaham Meditation Centre next day (30th October), under the auspices of Commander of the Navy and President of Navy Seva Vanitha Unit.

The Chief of Staff of the Navy, Rear Admiral Priyantha Perera, President of Naval Buddhist Association and Director General Engineering, Rear Admiral Ravi Ranasinghe, Commander Southern Naval Area, Rear Admiral Harindra Ekanayake, Director Naval Electrical, Commodore Janaka Gunaseela, Deputy Area Commander Southern Naval Area, Commodore Nishantha Peiris, Naval Officer in Charge (Welisara) Commodore Mahesh De Silva, Vice President of Navy Seva Vanitha Unit, Mrs Mala Lamahewa, NSVU executive committee member, Mrs Sandya Gunasekara, NSVU committee member, Mrs Kumari Peiris, Heads of Departments and Commanding Officers of establishments in the Southern Naval Command, officers, the Secretary and staff of NSVU and sailors were also present on this occasion.