NSV Yoghurt Project Building declared open at SLNS Thammanna

The new building put up for Navy Seva Vanitha Yoghurt Project at SLNS Thammanna was declared open on 08th October 2022 by the President of Navy Seva Vanitha Unit, Mrs Chandima Ulugetenne with the attendance of Commander of the Navy, Vice Admiral Nishantha Ulugetenne.

The project was initiated as per a concept of the President of Navy Seva Vanitha Unit to further promote yogurt products, made as a special project of the Seva Vanitha Unit, among naval personnel.

The construction work of the project marked right after the ceremony of foundation stone laying by the President of Navy Seva Vanitha Unit on 01st June. The Navy enabled its able manpower and industrial expertise for the construction of the building which was particularly put up for this NSV Yoghurt Project.

Meanwhile, President of Navy Seva Vanitha Unit expressed her appreciation to the naval personnel who were involved in the construction of NSV Yoghurt Project Building in a short period of time.

Commander North Central Naval Area, Rear Admiral Pradeep Rathnayake, executive committee member of the Navy Seva Vanitha Unit, Mrs Anusha Rathnayake, Deputy Area Commander North Central Naval Area, Commodore Nalindra Jayasinghe, Command Naval Infantry Officer (NCC), Commander Lalith Kumara, Commanding Officer SLNS Thammanna, Commander Ganganath Jayakody and Mrs Apsara Jayakody, Assistant Provost Marshal (NCC) Commander Hasantha Kosala, Command Civil Engineering Officer (NCC) Commander Prasad Suraweera, senior and junior officers, staff of the Navy Seva Vanitha Unit and sailors were also present on this occasion.