Dependents of naval war hero receive house completed by Navy Seva Vanitha Unit

The President of Navy Seva Vanitha Unit, Mrs Chandima Ulugetenne on 01st September 2022, handed over the ownership of a house, completed with the sponsorship of the Navy Seva Vanitha Unit (NSVU), to the family members of late Petty Officer WAJ Sampathsiri XS 51840. As part of the project to build a house for naval personnel killed and wounded in action, this magnanimous effort was launched to finish the construction of partly-completed house for a naval war hero.

NSVU executive Committee member, Mrs Inoka Weerakoon, Deputy Director Naval Special Forces Captain (SBS) TGT Daminda, Commanding Officer SLNS Mahasen, Captain TIP Fernando, officers from the Civil Engineering Department and staff members of NSVU were also present on this occasion.