Foundation stone laid for Day Care Centre at NSVU Pre-school Pandukabhaya

The President of Navy Seva Vanitha Unit (NSVU), Mrs Chandima Ulugetenne laid the foundation stone for a new Day Care Centre at NSVU Pre-school Pandukabhaya on 01st June 2022. Going by a notion of the President of NSVU, this initiative was taken with a view to building a strong foundation in social, pre-academic, and general life skills of the children of naval personnel, as part of the NSVU Pre-school Project.

Deputy Area Commander North Central Naval Command, Commodore HNS Perera, NSVU committee member Mrs Menaka Samanmalee, Commanding Officer SLNS Pandukabhaya, Captain KGN Ranaweera, senior and junior officers, sailors, NSVU staff and a group of Pre-school children were also present on this occasion.