NSVU interacts with dependent naval war heroes at Anchorage

At the invitation of the President of Navy Seva Vanitha Unit, Mrs Chandima Ulugetenne, Commander of the Navy, Vice Admiral Nishantha Ulugetenne paid a visit to the Anchorage Naval Care Centre in Welisara on 18th May 2022 and inquired into the wellbeing of dependent naval war heroes in rehabilitation. Navy Seva Vanitha Unit has also contributed to the construction of Anchorage Naval Care Centre, built for the betterment of naval war heroes who were left out from the battle field due to injuries.

Deputy Chief of Staff and Commander Western Naval Area, Rear Admiral Upul De Silva, NSVU executive committee member Shyama De Silva, Naval Officer in Charge (Welisara), Captain AKR Athukorala, Commanding Officer SLNS Gemunu, Captain AMD Amarakoon, officers and the staff of Navy Seva Vanitha Unit were present on this occasion.