
Annual sports meet of Naval Preschool – Pandukabhaya

The annual sports meets of all Naval Preschools were held on 25th March 2022, following the directives of the President of Navy Seva Vanitha Unit (NSVU), Mrs Chandima Ulugetenne. The motive of conducting these events was to allowing preschool children to exhibit their athletic prowess in an atmosphere of friendly rivalry.

The sports meet of Naval Preschool – Pandukabhaya was held at the sports ground of SLNS Pandukabhaya, under the patronage of Mrs Anusha Rathnayake, the spouse of Commander North Central Naval Area. The event was also attended by Commander North Central Naval Area, Rear Admiral Pradeep Rathnayake, Commanding Officer SLNS Pandukabhaya, Commandant SLNS Shiksha, Supervising Officer of the Preschool, officers, sailors and parents of the children.

The sports meet comprised several sporting events which were participated by 20 children of Naval Preschool – Pandukabhaya. The children also presented a colourful drill display to amuse the spectators. On completion of the event, Commander North Central Naval Area and his spouse handed over certificates and awards to the children.