Navy Seva Vanitha welfare outlet declared open at SLNS Ruhuna

The President of Navy Seva Vanitha Unit (NSVU), Mrs Chandima Ulugetenne declared open the newly constructed NSVU welfare outlet at SLNS Ruhuna on 14th January 2022. Following an idea mooted by the President of NSVU, this new facility was made available with the intention of offering more welfare benefits to naval personnel.

NSVU member, Mrs Priyanka Senaviratne, Commander Southern Naval Area, Rear Admiral Prasanna Hewage, Naval Officer in Charge (Hambantota) Captain GSD Weerasooriya, Traning Commander and Commanding Officer SLNS Nipuna, Captain TAM Leelarathna and his spouse, Commanding Officer SLNS Dakshina, Captain VS Mallawarachchi, Commanding Officer SLNS Ruhuna, Captain HAC Priyantha and his spouse, Commanding Officer SLNS Kawanthissa, Commander MNM Arshad, Command Electrical and Electronics Officer (South), Commander DSC Dissanayake, officers, lady officers, women sailors and the staff of the NSVU were present on this occasion.