Retiring NSVU Pre-school teachers felicitated

The President of Navy Seva Vanitha Unit (NSVU), Mrs. Chandima Ulugetenne presided over a ceremony organized in view of felicitating retiring senior and junior women sailors who served as NSVU Pre-school teachers. The event was held at the Light House Galley on 12th January 2022.

The event saw felicitation of teachers and assistant teachers who have served in NSVU Pre-schools since 2007, after joining the Navy in 2006. They played a key role in integrating young children into the world of learning by facilitating their cognitive, social, and emotional development.

In appreciative of their service over the years, the President of Navy Seva Vanitha Unit presented mementoes and letters of service appreciation to the retiring women sailors; Fleet Chief Petty Officer EKC Thushari, Chief Petty Officer, PHTV Hettiarachchi, Chief Petty Officer, KTP Fernando, Chief Petty Officer, WMAU Wijekoon, Petty Officer, EANS Edirisinghe, Leading Women Sailor, WRT Abeygunawardana and Leading Women Sailor, KDA Kaushani.

The event was held adhering to COVID-19 protocols to prevent possibilities of the spread of the pandemic. NSVU Executive Committee Members; Mrs Shyama De Silva, Udeni Kularathne, NSVU Member Mrs Priyanka Senaviratne, Supervising Officer of the Pre-school at SLNS Dakshina, Lieutenant Commander (VNF) WVG Sandamali, Supervising Officer of the Pre-school at SLNS Gemunu, Lieutenant Commander (VNF) KI Damayanthi and NSVU staff members were also present on this occasion.