Seva Vanitha Unit conducts series of religious programmes to coincide with Katina Pinkama of Rathana Sadaham Meditation Centre, Kithulkote, Thanamalwila

President Navy Seva Vanitha Unit (NSVU), Mrs. Chandima Ulugetenne took part in several religious programmes at Rathana Sadaham Meditation Centre, Kithulkote, Thanamalwila held in parallel with the Katina Pinkama in the ‘Vas Season' on 05th November 2021. Accordingly, offering of alms and Pirikara to 22 monks and nuns of the temple completing the ‘Vas Season' was held under the patronage of the President Navy Seva Vanitha Unit.

President Navy Seva Vanitha Unit, Mrs. Chandima Ulugetenne, Vice President NSVU, Mrs. Nishani Jayarathne, Executive Committee Member, Mrs. Mala Lamahewa, Commander Southern Naval Area, Rear Admiral WHPU Hewage, Deputy Area Commander, Commodore EMHSN Ekanayake and his spouse, Mrs. Sandya Gunasekara, Naval Officer in Charge Hambantota, Commodore HHMP De Silva and staff of the NSVU were present on this occasion.