Special banquet hosted for Indian National Defence College delegation

Commander of the Navy, Vice Admiral Nishantha Ulugetenne and President Navy Seva Vanitha Unit (NSVU) Mrs. Chandima Ulugetenne attended the special banquet hosted for the Indian National Defence College (NDC) delegation at the Western Naval Command Wardroom in the evening of 18th October 2021. The 20 member Indian NDC delegation headed by Major General Hari B Pillai visited the Navy Headquarters earlier on the same day and called on Commander of the Navy.

The Defence Attaché at the High Commission of India in Colombo and his spouse Mrs. Puja Sood, Chief of Staff of the Navy, Rear Admiral Nandana Jayarathne and Vice President Navy Seva Vanitha Unit, Mrs. Nishani Jayarathne, Commander Western Naval Area, Rear Admiral AUC De Silva, NSVU executive committee member, Mrs. Shayma Silva, Director General Operations, Rear Admiral PS Mahawithana and his spouse, Director General Training, Rear Admiral HAUD Kumara and his spouse, Director General Logistics Rear Admiral APN De Silva, Acting Director General Health Services, Commodore PJB Marambe, Deputy Area Commander (West), Commodore PS De Silva, senior officers, lady officers and staff of the Navy Seva Vanitha Unit were present on this occasion.

Meanwhile, the President NSVU, Mrs. Chandima Ulugetenne presented mementoes to the spouses of the officers of the Indian National Defence College delegation, who were present on the occasion.