
NSVU helps children in need

Going by an idea mooted by the President of Navy Seva Vanitha Unit (NSVU), Mrs. Chandima Ulugetenne another welfare initiative got off the ground at the office of NSVU today (13th August 2020). As such, the triplets of Engineering Mechanic TMJ Karunarathna EE 89627 were provided milk powder to fulfill the nutritional needs of the toddlers.

At the request of Engineering Mechanic TMJ Karunarathna EE 89627 the recommended milk powder needs of his triplets and one and a half year old child for one month were fulfilled as part of the first stage of this initiative, as pediatric specialists have recommended to continue the practice for 06 consecutive months. This magnanimous programme organized by the NSVU was presided over by the President of NSVU Mrs. Chandima Ulugetenne.

The event was also attended by Executive Committee Members of the NSVU and its staff.