
Annual sports meet of Naval Preschool ‘Gemunu’ held on colourful note

The annual sports meet of the Naval Preschool ‘Gemunu’ was held on a colourful note, under the directives of the honourable President of the Navy Seva Vanitha Unit (NSVU) and with the supervision of Commander Western Naval Area and his madam, at the sports ground of SLNS Gemunu on 15th March.

The sports meet was graced by the honourable President of NSVU Mrs. JK Arundathie Udithamala Jayaneththi, as the Chief Guest. The event was also attended by the Commander Western Naval Area Rear Admiral Nishantha Ulugetenna, Commanding Officer SLNS Gemunu, Heads of Departments, Supervising officer of the Pre School, members of the NSVU, officers, sailors and parents of the preschool children.

After ushering the distinguished guests, the main events of the sports meet unfolded and it featured track and field events, team events as well as a drill display specially designed for the kids. The distinguished guests also distributed certificates among the kids in recognition of their achievements.