Seva Vanitha assists two disabled Navy war heroes

Moving forward on a concept of President Navy Seva Vanitha Unit (NSVU) Mrs. Sandya Ranasinghe, the NSVU donated a wheel chair and a laptop computer in view of assisting who naval heroes who were disabled in the war, at the Light House Galley yesterday (8th May).

Accordingly, a laptop computer donated by the General Manager Lalindra Brahmana and Manager-Sales Samitha Chathuranga of Abans Ltd. , was handed over to the daughter of Petty Officer (Rted.) Namal Kumara and a wheel chair donated by the President NSVU was handed over to Leading Patrolman (Rted.) Ruwan Fonseka who was disabled in the war period, by the NSVU President, Mrs. Sandya Ranasinghe.

Vice President of NSVU, Mrs. Thamara Rosayro, senior members and several naval officers were also present on this occasion.