Annual sports meet of Naval Preschool ‘Gemunu’ held in Walisara

The annual sports meet of the naval preschool located at SLNS Gemunu was held on a colourful note under the directives of the President of the Navy Seva Vanitha Unit (NSVU) Mrs. Sandya Ranasinghe at the preschool premises on 29 March 2018.

Former Commander of the Navy Admiral Dr. Jayanath Colombage and former NSVU President, Mrs. Shrima Colombage graced the occasion as Chief Guests. Further, the present Commander of the Navy, Vice Admiral Sirimevan Ranasinghe, the incumbent President of the NSVU, senior members of the NSVU, senior officers, officers attached to the NSVU, sailors and parents of the preschool children were also present at this colourful event.

Upon the distinguished guests were welcomed, the proceedings of the sports meet got off the ground. A wide range of sporting activities specially designed for preschool children were also held this year and the spectators were entertained with an energetic drill display subsequently. The preschool children who topped in the events were presented with awards and certificates by the distinguished invitees.

Meanwhile, a special memento prepared by the preschool children was presented to the former NSVU President by the present President of the organization, in appreciation of her graceful presence. Apart from that the Senior Supervising Officer of the Gemunu Preschool also presented a memento to Mrs. Sandya Ranasinghe, President of the NSVU.

In a similar vein, the annual sports meets of naval Preschools located at SLNS Dakshina in Galle and SLNS Tissa in Trincomalee were held on the same day under the patronage of the spouses of respective Area Commanders.

Annual Sports meet of Naval Preschool Dakshina

Annual Sports meet of Naval Preschool Gemunu

Annual Sports meet of Naval Preschool Tissa