Navy Seva Vanitha Unit organizes a psycho-sociological awareness programme in Trincomalee

A psycho-sociological awareness programme was held at the Admiral Wasantha Karannagoda Auditorium of the Naval and Maritime Academy in Trincomalee yesterday (12 October 2017) under the guidance of the President of the Navy Seva Vanitha Unit, Mrs. Thiruni Sinniah,

Family members and naval personnel serving in the Eastern Naval Area (ENA) took part in the programme organized by the Navy Seva Vanitha Unit (NSVU) in collaboration with the Eastern Naval Command and the Navy Psychological Counselling Unit.

Certificates were also awarded to the participants on completion of the awareness programme conducted by Consultant Child Psychologist at the Peradeniya Sirimavo Bandaranaike Specialized Children’s Hospital, Dr. Rasika Perera, the Head of the Department of Psychology of the University of Peradeniya, Dr. Danesh Karunanayake, Dr. Indu Samarasekera, Mrs. Sujani Dalugama, Consultant Psychologist of the Sri Lanka Navy, Commander Thushani Henagama and SLN counselling officers.

The Commander Eastern Naval Area, Rear Admiral Nimal Sarathsena, senior members of the NSVU, senior naval officers, family members and naval personnel serving in the ENA were also present at the event which aimed at raising awareness on a host of psycho-sociological issues related to children and family wellbeing.