Annual sports meets of naval preschools held on colourful note

The annual sports meet of the naval preschool located at SLNS Gemunu was held on a colourful note under the patronage of the President of the Navy Seva Vanitha Unit (NSVU) Mrs. Yamuna Wijegunaratne, at the preschool premises today (3). The sports meets of the naval preschools stationed at SLNS Tissa in Trincomalee and SLNS Dakshina in Galle were also held in parallel with this event.

A wide range of sporting activities specially designed for preschool children were also held this year and two sporting events namely ‘Kabadi’ and ‘Elle’ had been included as special events. Besides, a relay sprint was scheduled for the NSVU members, preschool teachers and parents by the organizers. The participants were rewarded with special prizes. Meanwhile, the President of the NSVU gave away mementoes to the retired preschool teachers in recognition of their service.

All the preschool children actively participated in some form of sport event and those who excelled in the events were presented with awards and certificates. Further, each preschool child was presented with a certificate in recognition of their participation in the meet.

The sports meet held at SLNS Gemunu was also attended by Commander Western Naval Area, Rear Admiral Niraja Attygalle, Naval Officer In-charge Welisara, Commodore Sudath Lelwala and a host of senior officers. Similarly, the members of the NSVU, officers of respective commands, parents, sailors and a large number of spectators were present at the events held at SLNS Tissa and SLNS Dakshina.

Annual Sports Meet – Naval Pre-school SLNS Gamunu

Annual Sports Meet – Naval Pre-school SLNS Thissa

Annual Sports Meet – Naval Pre-school SLNS Dakshina