
Navy Seva Vanitha Unit members conducts range of events in parallel with Galle Dialogue 2016

Under the guidance of the President of Navy Seva Vanitha Unit (NSVU) Mrs. Yamuna Wijegunaratne, a wide range of events were conducted on 28th and 29th of November, in parallel with Galle Dialogue 2016, International Maritime Conference. The events were organized for the spouses of foreign delegates and other female representatives who attended this year’s conference representing various countries in the world.

Accordingly, they visited “Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage” on 28th of this month. Foreign dignitaries, the President of NSVU along with its members, officers and lady officers joined this visit. A grand lunch reception was also hosted for the participants.

On the following day (29), another special programme was held at the Naval Headquarters Wardroom for the foreign dignitaries and they were warmly accompanied to the wardroom premises amidst colourful dancing and musical performances of Navy’s Cultural Troupe. The proceedings of the event subsequently kicked of following the lighting of traditional oil lamp.

The items of the event were filled with wide variety which included singing performances of NSVU members and Kandian Saree fashion show. Besides the President of the Officers’ Children’s Club, Sathyajith Wijegunaratne made a special performance clad in Udarata Mulanduma (Kandian Costume) exhibiting the true identity of the Sri Lankan culture.

Subsequently, under the instruction of Mrs. Wijegunaratne a special awareness programme on “Bathik Art” was also conducted for the foreign delegates. The foreign dignitaries were also fortunate to witness a Porcelain Exhibition organized by Dankotuwa Porcelain and Noritake Lanka Porcelain and purchase porcelain products. Moreover they also had a rare opportunity of visiting a Gem Exhibition organized by Gamini Gems & Jewellers and purchase jewelry as their wish. Further the delegates thoroughly enjoyed the fashion show presented by NSVU members.

At the final stage of the programme, all foreign delegates who participated in the series of programmes were presented with gift parcels and all female dignitaries joined a tree planting campaign as well. Meanwhile the President of NSVU presented gift vouchers to the NSVU members and members of Officers’ Children’s Club. The foreign dignitaries extended their heartfelt gratitude to the President of NSVU and its members for allowing them a rare chance to have glimpse of Sri Lankan culture and provision of entertainment through wide range of activities.