Navy Seva Vanitha Unit organizes an array of events parallel to the International Women’s Day

Under the concept of the President of the Navy Seva Vanitha Unit, Mrs. Yamuna Wijegunaratne, an array of events were held today (4) at the Welisara Naval Complex, parallel to the forthcoming International Women’s Day which falls on 8th March 2016.

During the series of events, the President of NSVU, declared open a Batik Art Centre consisted of the hand craft of the family members of naval personnel attached to the SLNS Gemunu, Batik Art Workshop in order to promote Batik Industry, florist store and a Sewing Centre.

Further, the President of NSVU donated a new television set for the use of the pre-school of SLNS Dakshina, 2 personnel computers for the Computer Centre established at SLNS Shilpa and financial aid for a wife of a senior sailors to develop her self-employment opportunities.

The Commander of the Navy, Vice Admiral Ravindra Wijegunratne, the Commander Western Naval Area, Rear Admiral Jayantha De Silva, senior and junior members of the NSVU, naval officers, senior sailors and their wives were also present at this event.

Batik Art Centre

Sewing Centre

Batik Art Workshop

Batik Art Workshop